Monday 28 December 2015

What are you most afraid of?

They say that if you ask yourself what you're most afraid of, you'll find what it is that you love the most.

I am most afraid of losing my child. I am somewhat afraid of living alone at an old age with no one to rely on, no one to care for me. I am quite afraid if I ever get into an accident and it causes me to become crippled or dependent of other people. I am afraid of losing my mind, more specifically, the ability to think and reflect (or the intelligence that Allah blessed every sane person with).
I am afraid to face the day I lose my parents. I am afraid if I ever lose my husband to another woman. I am afraid of losing my job. I am afraid that I am not a good servant of Allah, that I might have made Him displeased with me in any way.

In no particular order, it seems clear to me now that
I love my daughter,
I love my family and friends (people whom I care about and who care about me), 
I love my independence, 
I love my health and fitness,
I love thinking, reflecting, and pondering over things,
I love my parents,
I love my husband,
I love financial security,
and I love Allah.

I know now that I must focus on the things I love, in the list above, and make sure that I make time for them all.
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." -Rumi

I also know that I love writing. I may not be a perfect writer, but writing for me is a creative outlet which relieves me from overthinking and makes me a happier person. Being 'busy' has never given me the freedom to write, but I'll be sure to give attention to myself and at least reflect, ponder and write on one thing each day so that I become a more well-balanced and happier person.
I'd like to end this writing with one of my favorite quotes..
"Your attention is your most valuable possession. Give it to those you love the most."

Make your own list of the things you love the most and be sure to give attention to every single person on that list including yourself and your needs. I'm sure that it will make you feel more contented with your life.

Since social media is not on that list, I have made it a point to only check my social media once in the morning, and once in the evening, or once at noon and once at night. While other people's posts are interesting, it is not where I should invest my time in. It is also not the place I should be giving my attention to. I find that this small step has made me a much happier person.
May Allah place happiness in your hearts too. Amin

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