Monday 14 December 2015

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu


Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu means "May Peace Be Upon You". Take a deep breath and let peaceful feelings travel through your veins to the end of your head, fingertips, and toes. You are now feeling at ease.

Hi, my name is Maryam and I am on a journey of self-discovery. Like you, I often question my life's purpose. More than anything, these writings are for me to document my discoveries about how to love living my life in Islam.

As a born Muslim, I often feel that I follow my religious teachings out of routine - but that's about to change. There is so much more to discover, explore, and *feel*  as a muslim woman.

I am on a quest to live a fulfilling life. 
I am on a quest to love my life in Islam.
I am on a quest to leave this world in a state of fulfillment.

Today I learned the most important thing about living this life.

It's death.

Death is certain. 

Everything else in life is uncertain. Even the most basic things like eating is uncertain. What you'll have for your next meal is uncertain. How long you'll wait for your next meal is uncertain. Whether you'll be alive for your next meal is uncertain. You could die in an earthquake in a few minutes after you read this. May Allah, God almighty, protect you from any harm. May you leave this world only when you're ready.

Death is certain. 




Maryam, you want to be reminded of death everyday of your life. Why?

1. Think of the people who have faced death, but survived. Earthquake survivors, cancer survivors, war survivors, abuse survivors.

How do they live their lives? They live with a smile. They live with no care of what others think of them. They live their life helping others who have been through the same plight they have.They live purposefully. They enjoy every sip of coffee, every ounce of friendship, every sight of nature, every bit of love, they squeeze life to its fullest potential, they seize every opportunity; they are fearless.

2. Think of the people who are about to face death. Cancer patients, people in coma, the bed ridden. 

How do they live their lives? They spend every minute they have with their loved ones. They live their lives fearing death, fearing that they will be all alone in a dark place. It's the harsh truth. We will all end up alone in a dark place. They are afraid. They draw strength from loved ones. They turn to Allah, God the almighty. They use their savings to help the needy. They want to donate their organs. They want to do good before they leave this world. They are fearful, but they too, are fearless.

Islam teaches teaches you 3 things that will sustain you in the hereafter
(1) to convey useful knowledge, 
(2) to help build a place of refuge for the needy, orphans and the elderly, 
(3) to mold children into kind, humble people who worship Allah and who live by the teachings of Islam.
Learn to incorporate all of this in your life, okay?

3. How would you like people to describe you when you've died?

I would like people to describe me like this...
"She was kind, she was generous, she was thoughtful, and she was sensitive to the needs of others, she shared the joys of loving her Islamic way of life."

If that's how you would like people to describe you, that's how you should start living your life. It all starts with a smile..

Remember, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w smiled all the time. You too should smile all the time, Maryam (even when you don't feel like it)


"Prophet Muhammad smiled, often and with real joy.  In fact he smiled so regularly that his smile and kind demeanour are mentioned time and time again in anecdotes and stories from his traditions."
Abdullaah ibn Haarith said, “I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad.  Prophet Muhammad regarded smiling to a brother as an act of charity.”
Read full article at:

                                         photo credit:
                                                         smile photo credit above:

Everything that is good is from Allah, everything that is weak or poor is from me.


14 December 2016

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