Thursday 24 December 2015

How Long will You Live?


You walk by a grave and you see engraved on it the year 1887. Now it's the year 2015. 

You think to yourself how long ago was that?  And then you realize that you live in this world for a measly 60 or 70 years, or if you're lucky to live without any debilitating diseases, you'll live till you're 80 or so.

Then it hit you that the person laying in the grave has lived far longer in the grave than he/she actually lived on the face of this earth.. and how longer will he/she be in there?

This world, as the scholars put it, is a bridge to the next world. We stay here only for a short vacation, A very short one. The next world will be everlasting and infinite.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
" After the death of a person, his actions stop, except three things that he leaves behind: First, continuous charity, Second, knowledge from which some benefit may be obtained, Third, a virtuous son who make dua (pray, supplicate) on his behalf." Related by Muslim.

This hadith advises us on investments we need to make while we are still alive that will hopefully benefit us after we die.

1. Continuous charity: (e.g. building/contributing to a masjd/ orphanage that still serves as a place of worship or place of refuge/comfort for orphans)

2.  Knowledge: This advice highlights the importance of passing on beneficial knowledge to people, guiding one person who then guides someone, calling people to the wonders of Islam

3. Children: When we are blessed with children, it is important to raise them properly, and asking them to keep us in in our prayers, God willing.

May Allah guide us to invest in the dunya (world) for the akhirah (hereafter). Ameeen,.

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