Tuesday 15 December 2015

Self-Esteem in Islam


As a woman, I often have self-esteem issues. I often feel that I can't leave the house without any make-up on . I often try on many styles and put on a lot of cosmetics to make myself feel beautiful and confident.

I often need reminders like this...
photo credit: fb Woman in Islam

I guess the more I acknowledge that every single body part and facial feature is a gift from Allah (and can be taken away from me at any time), the more I appreciate what I am truly blessed with.

I am short-sighted and have worn glasses since the age of 15. Now that I'm much older, the strength of my prescription glasses is already  +5.00.

I have never ever wanted to leave the house with glasses on the bridge of my nose because I felt that I looked UGLY. Allah created me and He doesn't make any mistakes, but I felt UGLY with those glasses on. So I hid behind a pair of cosmetic contact lenses. When I wore those coloured coloured lenses, I felt BEAUTIFUL.

A few days ago while wearing those lenses,  I accidentally stabbed my left eye with a stick. It's a long story but the stabbing stung my eye and the whites of my eye became bright red. I went to the Dr and I was told that I was lucky that there were no corneal abrasion on my iris/pupil.

I could have lost my vision... but I didn't.

I am lucky that Allah continues to bless me with eye sight.

After being stabbed in the eyes, I'm thankful for the countless blessings that Allah has gifted me with.
I realise that everything I take for granted is a gift from the Allah Almighty.

I am a slave of Allah and I want him to be pleased with me. I  embrace all that I am and I take care of the body I am entrusted with. My eyesight, my hearing and my ability to talk and express my ideas are all for the sake of pleasing Allah.

I have to remember that if I am not a slave to Allah, I will be a slave to something else. A slave to the western standards, a slave to my culture's idea of beauty, a slave to time, money and energy to be beautiful.

Self-esteem does not stem from society's standard of beauty.

Self-esteem stems from being comfortable in your own skin. Love and embrace all that you are. Blossom and shine!

All that is good is from Allah, all that is bad and poor is from me.
15 December 2015

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