Monday 4 January 2016

15 Things I Learned in 2015

1. Be true to be you.
2. Accepting your weaknesses doesn't mean you're weak. 
3. Let people be and accept them for who they are. Beautifully, annoyingly, literally. Don't try to change them.
4. Your child is not a reflection of your parenting. She is her unique self.
5. You can and should offer help but people won't always appreciate it. 
6. Be okay with giving your all and be okay with not getting the results you were expecting.
7. Perfectionism is your ultimate enemy. "I will do it all or I will do nothing" attitude to life is never okay. Have something, do something, be something. It doesn't have to be perfect.
8. You can never solve people's problems but you can be there to listen and support them.
9. You are not what happened to you, you are who you choose to be.
10. There is no such thing as luck. Life is a choice you make. It's called fate.
11. Help only comes from Alllah swt. No human being is capable of accomplishing anything on their own except with the help of Allah swt. When you have Allah, you're not afraid of anything or anyone.
12. Every single person is special.
When you walk into a room don't judge them for how they appear to be but think about what part of their life molded them to be the way they are.
13. Food makes everyone happy. Be generous with food and always eat on time!
14. Having passion, hobbies and goals in life is what makes you feel alive.
15. You are everything you think you are! Weird, emotional, deep, fun-loving, innovative, silly, kind, stupid, intelligent, disorganized, organized, romantic, annoying, reflective, talkative, sentimental, loving, thoughtful, blind.
Life is full of lessons and the best lessons come from those who've lived it; and from those who are seeing it for the first time. This year,
I hope to take more time to learn from elders and children 

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